Fuck You Circuit City

Jan 25, 2009 17:42

I've been going back and forth to Circuit City lately because I wanted to find an portable HD to store my bigger, extra files. But the most they have off at best is 30%, and most pc accessories aren't even marked down to 30% (and let's not get into raising the MSRP then applying a discount to circumvent some sales).

The best thing I could find was a $99 Hd which was prolly around 150 to 200GB.

It's not there anymore, so all that's left are $129 at best and upwards with a probable 10% discount of dubious value.

I know I'm not returning because there's nothing of value to me left in CC that's marked down well enough to match the impression of a liquidation. Out of spite, I drive down to Fry's to see what they have...

I score $56.99 portable HD with 160GB. Even with a cherry coke and sour jelly bellies, it came out to $65. A humoungous deal if you ask me.

The moral of the story is, always shop around. You never know when the next big deal will jump out at you.
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