Jan 27, 2003 14:03
ok so bill's on my case about me finding another job. it's ok because i know i need one but this is rediculous. i guess he doesn't understand my car hardly moves anymore and i don't have the money to fix it. I've applied a few places but i'm not sure what i'll find. it's january and no one is hiring really but then again i'm sure somthing will turn up. yeah so apparently the computer has a curfew of 12am because i've been on ntil 5am lately and it's pissing bill off because i don't wake up at the "normal" time like he does at 5 fucking 30. it's really pissing me off. he keeps bitching at me to get a job but what about him he hardly leaves the house. all he does is watch TV, play with his computer and go to 7-11. if he's so preoccupied with my getting a job then fix my god damn car!! you're a fucking mechanic and you have nothing better to do but bitch at me about how i have to find someone to order this part and have it installed when you could do it yourself in 15 minutes like you said for 95% less (exact #) then it would cost me. thanks for the big help. Also if he threatens to throw me out another time because i got up later then him or because I'm apparently wasting my time on the computer doing god knows what i'm gonna freak. he says the internet for me is not constructive toward what i need to do in life. i say it's all i need. for christs sake i'm a computer major. i told him i was posting my resume online and searching for jobs but he said "well i can only see what i see" ???? what the fuck? so basically he's saying that if he doesn't know how to do it, or because he doesn't do it that way obviously it's not the way to do things. grrrrrrrr....... once i have a job i'm out of here.