I am officially under house arrest for the week. Grand. Although it may not be such a bad thing: not much to do besides sleep, and I have a hideous head cold. Hopefully that'll change by like, you know...Thursday?
I can't even believe it's Tuesday. Although I suppose that's partly what I get for staying up all night again last night =P It's okay. It was worth it.
FINALLY used my gift certificate to Threadless today =D
4 shirts. LOVE 'em.
Here they ALL are [per request ;)]:
This ^^^^ one's on BRIGHT PURPLE.
Yeah, I'm cool.
Watched Skins today. SO glad that it's back.
[Sketch is craaaazy, man!]
Speaking of which, does anyone have "Good Times Gonna Come" by Aqualung? Please?
....I want a hug.