May 2012 - "What about the workers?"

Dec 30, 2012 23:19

May began as April ended, with a return trip to the the Cluny Bank Hotel, one of the finest hotels I've ever stayed in.

It was my Lin's (my Dad's wife) 65 birthday, and as we celebrated my Dad's 65 there, it seemed only fair to do the same for her. If you're ever travelling to Moray in Scotland and you would like somewhere special to stay, you must try it. It is run by a very friendly couple, Jules and Lloyd. Jules has designed all of the interior rooms and manages the place, while Lloyd is the resident chef. His food is fantastic, and his desserts are almost as epic as the personal description he gives for each one. This is me, Becky, Catherine and Lin, with Lloyd and Jules, getting in touch with my stepbrother Marcus in Sacramento via Skype at the dinner table. (21st century bad table manners?)

I was very happy to be able to take Becky this time. Moray is beautiful and it was a really peaceful break for us both. This is us on a windy, but sunny day at Findhorn Sands:

Returning to London brought a vote in the Mayoral elections, which in my case, didn't add up to much. I don't actually hate Boris as much as some, and I don't love Ken as much as some others, but Ken's tenure as Mayor brought far more to London, a city I care about a lot, and the closeness of his defeat after what was a pretty rotten campaign was hard to take. On the upside, Rhys Hutchings of Goldie Lookin Chain was elected as a Labour councillor in Newport. You knows it.

B and I visited the the Museum of Brands in West London, which is a fascinating place to visit. It's essentially a series of exhibits showing popular brands and packaging from the late Victorian period to the present day, arranged in chronological order. A lovely side-effect of this is the explosion of recognition that occurs at random points through the musuem as patrons of different ages reach the period of their childhood. It's interesting to note that things get familiar a few years *before* your birth, indicating the longevity and influence of certain design trends. Anyway, go. You won't regret it.

Elections for our friends across La Manche brought a happier outcome, as Sarkozy was unceremoniously booted out after one term, and replaced with the avuncular Francois Hollande. I stumbled across a victory party at a French bar and restaurant near London Bridge:

Becky celebrated her birthday on the 23rd, and the following weekend we met her parents for dinner at The Ginger Pig in Brighton, followed by Sunday lunch on a roasting hot Sunday at the Balham Bowls Club. Good - and delicious - times.
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