Mar 04, 2005 09:13
So, for the past few days, I've been MIA. Wednesday/Thursday was the retreat. I had a good time, but I dont like being out of my routine. I'm glad to be home. Lauren and I went to get my 12s in my car yesterday. They sound SO good. Loud as hell. Last night was a wondermous night with Lauren. The lesbos were at the OG, in the VIP (very important pussy) haha! Good stuff. We went with her roommate stacey and stacey's girlfriend ashley and stacey's older good friend barbara. Barbs was awesome. Lauren looked absolutely amazing. We all had a really good time. Good food, good wine, good conversation; a wonderful way to end such a stressful two days. Lauren and I went back to her house and laid in bed and kissed and such. Believe it or not, (which everyone probably wont) we have YET to have sex. Two weeks since we met, no sex, and I'm holding strong. I'm not trying to fuck this up at all and this is going really well. Unusually well. She's just so amazing. There's so much to her that I truly like and admire. It's..ugh. Amazing. I have to go now though. I have some sleep to be catching up on.