Feb 20, 2005 13:02
So, in my previous entry, I believe I failed to mention a girl named Lauren who I met at the club Friday night. Well, when Lauren came and introduced herself was when Brittni was all in my grill. So, I kind of blew Lauren off. Last night, Corey and I went out again. Lauren was there, along with Brittni and Lindy. Corey and I were dancing our asses off and Lauren was next to me. So, I pulled her to me and apologized for being a dumb cunt and she said it was ok and we danced. I watched out the corner of my eye as Brittni and Lindy were all over each other. We all sat down, Lauren went to pee, Lindy went...somewhere, so I went over and talked to Brittni. She invited me to dinner at Thai Passion on Wednesday. Ok, so the girl was really drunk, but, it was the offer that counted. I told her yes, but I told myself as well as Corey that I'm not going to contact her all week...she can call me and confirm everything. About the time that I walk away, Lindy goes over to Britt and decides it's time for them to leave. I thought that was funny. So, Lauren and I continue to dance...a lot. And Corey finally hooked up with a guy named Daniel, I think. So, we both had a really good night. Lauren is totally awesome. She's even going to record the first episode of The L Word, season 2 for me. Ok, here's her stats
Age: 24
Race: White
Marital Status: Single
Eyes: Green
Hair: Short and brown
Teeth: Perfect
Kisser: GREAT
Ass: To DIE for!
Height: 5'7"
Employed: Yes
Children: No
Living arrangements: Room Mate
Out: Yes
Category: Not butch, not femme. In the middle like me.
She's such a sweet heart. We made out a lot. And danced a lot. And it felt good and I liked it a lot. I can't wait to see her again. This one just might be a keeper.