From Ralph
"'Today's the day! Happy Inauguration Annihilation Coronation Day.
Freedom Day! Freedom NOT to think ever again. There must be an army of blissful idiots out there celebrating today. There must be mindless crowds of decent Republicans whooping it up with cryptic reserve, with stick-up-yer-ass reserve, with New World reserve, politically correct and self-righteous, snap-straight seams in their pants and in their souls reserve. These are the good folks. America is founded on their blinkered, insular oblivion. At the moment of voting for a difference, many were seized by what I think is called 'Terminal Anxiety', and their quivering hands moved back to what they have always known, and they do what they always did. You were all Republicans once, because back then you were all fighting for a just cause- for self-determination- and that was good. But now you are fighting from inside yourselves- drawn towards the light; towards the Top Dog- the upwardly mobile middle American white trash, dismissing the deeper problems that smoulder inside the darker regions of American society.
The abused can wait another day. Four more years- at least!
Four more years of a Leader who has just destroyed the Foundations of Babylon, its people, and tragically, the infrastructure within they could have measured their pride. He has removed a tyrant and blessed them with a festering sore he calls democracy, which means queuing up to make a mark in a specific and sanctified box- a mark of self-determination- just like early settlers in America when its Constitution was established, and for some, a mark was all they could make- but now making a mark with an added twist- to be fodder for those who are determined that democracy will not work- to be blown to bits in the process. Your Leader now swears to uphold Freedom and spread it around the world like rancid butter, aided and abetted by the extremely able mind of his new Secretary of State, hired and groomed to articulate his fundamental blindness, his religious bigotry, his crass opinions and his yobbish attitudes. And I know for a fact that many Americans are not proud of that. But today's the day when millions will be spent to show the world just who is in charge- and that's only for the ceremony.
Four more years of your Leader's foreign policy may just bankrupt the planet, morally and financially- keeping poverty on the agenda- nothing has changed....."
Our weekend was productive enough, I had 4 bags of old notes and old papers and stuff which were rubbish and 4 folders full of stuff I am hanging onto - plus the big bucket I bought, ooo and the "current ideas and clippings" which i will leave scattered around the house for constant reminding and "inspiration" ^_^
I am also trying to learn more about who to buy from and getting some education in regards to making smart choices with my consuming so as not to fund or support fuckhead corporations and multinationals..
A few sites that have been informative so far and will hopefully help lead me to more info and ways I can be more informed are..
Bad CorpCorp WatchOXFAM TradeNo Sweatshop in Australia And of course there is a bunch of others - I'm just starting now to really try and be pro active in my education regarding this - so if anyone else has info about this - including about the above mentioned websites, I'd love to hear about it!!...