Aug 03, 2005 17:00
Kiara: [quote] Jena got mad at me for admiring her. aww...[end quote]
Okay! I do NOT get mad at people "admiring" other people. I get mad at people who spend every single day thinking that their lives are #### and that someone else obviously has a better life than them. Guess what people you have no clue if someone else has a better life than you coz we all see this window of everyone elses life and a window as you know doesn't show the whole world, just a a tiny square of it. So until you've literaly 'walked in someone else's shoes' I am not going to pitty you. I admire kiara very much she is such a nice person with a great since of fashion and absolutely beautiful but that doesn't mean I think she "has it all" because I know that she, like everyone else in the world, goes through things. Guess what? IT HAPPENS DAMNIT!! We can go through things and complain our heads off coz that's just "how we do" but we will never have the worst life in the world so let's at least be happy about that! Anyway...kiara if you are going to start acting like me as you said then I will start acting like you, understand? I do not have it all, I have my ups and downs like everyone else please listen to me! There isn't one thing wrong with you people are just intimidated because you seem like you don't want to talk to them even though you are just shy. So open your mouth and watch in amazement as a million guys line up to go out with you. No joke either and you know that your awesome so shush your I mean OPEN your mouth hah. Anyway yeaa I kinda put this on livejournal but it happens.
In other news: I've been at the horse farm a lot this summer working with the horses and AHH it makes me so angry that these people hurt them so bad! Some of them are so cut up on their leggs they limp around it's really horrible. Some of them are fine now after a year of rescue so we can ride them and my horse Oliver is so stubborn but I still love him ^^. I'm a councelor there for these campers that come and we have to teach them how to ride. It's a lot of fun to see the little kids around Oliver because he makes everyone afraid of him but I just mess with his ears and tell him to put em up! Anyways so I helped the girl up on Oliver and I was walking him around the ring, letting he learn how to stir but making sure she didn't fall off, and he kept nudging me with his head. Once when I was on the other side he pushed me into the fence it was so funny, he jokes around a lot. One of the girls wanted to trot with him and I told her that today was a bad day seeing as he was already sweating a lot but she was all insistant and another councelor told me to let her do it since the girl was paying for the lessons. Ohhhh I wanted to back hand that little girl but I set her up anyways and just carried a cup of water with me on the way to the jumping field, giving Oliver sips of it. This is a seven hour day thing and it is so tiring but I love it! My schedule isn't ###### since I have to wake up really early, it makes me go to sleep early too. I miss Oliver and I just saw him two hours ago, wow how silly! Oh yea yesterday I was sitting down with like ten other people being lazy when this camp leader dude said "hey I told someone to go clean the horse crap out of the ring. So since know one did it I want all of you to go down there and do it!" None of us had heard him and we were really confused but we all went down there and it was a very little bit so we had no idea how all of us could do it. So sara went over to it and cut a piece off and threw it over the fence then gave it to someone else. All of us seriously took turns doing that it was so hillarious and weird at the same time but we did it and then went over to our horses hoping to not get in anymore trouble. Yea and the end.