The Vampire Diaries 2.06

Oct 21, 2010 21:49

This episode was pretty awesome.

Stefan saying Elena is being creepy by watching him sleep? BEST. I'm not sure if that was supposed to be a Twilight reference in specific, or just a reference to creepy romantic stuff that happens in these sorts of shows, but it was awesome.

Jenna heard Stefan and Elena that morning, and so called bullshit on their breakup! Not so useless, afterall. (...and she's okay with him sleeping over with her high school-aged niece. Eh, she was cool with Vicki staying over with Jeremy too.) Also, Stefan and Elena suck at pretend break-ups.

...AND KATHERINE WAS COMPELLING HER, HOLY FUCK! For a little while I was wondering if Katherine had turned her, but that would lead to Jenna freaking out, not being happy. This was so much more effective than attacking John - characters actually like and care about Jenna! I'm glad she didn't die. I'm not particularly attached to her, but Elena and Jeremy already have enough dead people. And it would throw off the dynamic of the show too much. Plus I've been liking her better the last few episodes, what with telling Alaric not to give her maybe someday speech, and drinking copious amounts of alcohol with Mason, Damon, and Alaric.

Bonnie gives people aneurysms! LIKE ACTUAL ANEURYSMS! Fandom called them that, but I don't think anyone was meaning it literally. she could presumably do that to non-supernatural people too, to kill them. Scary, wow.

"I know where you stand and where I stand, but where do we stand?" Awww, Bonnie misses Elena. She didn't even know Elena and Stefan were fighting, pretend or no. I'm glad we're getting more stuff with Bonnie showing her emotionally vulnerable side, since we get it with everyone else. (I get Elena's position here too though.) It's good that she and Caroline are moving back towards friendship.

Caroline has been taking Damon's blood bags. (Stefan is a bit of a problem drinker. A bloodaholic.) I loved bonding time with Mom. But yeah, she had to compell her. Knowing about Stefan and Damon would not lead to good places. It made me a little teary-eyed though, watching Caroline give her mom the details of what to remember (the soup she made was too salty, they bickered, and Caroline went back to ignoring her when Liz started feeling better). Oh, honey. (Liz and Caroline's bonding time gives me hope that SOMEDAY Caroline will be able to break it to her mom in a way that doesn't expose other people's secrets.)

Vervaine-soaked well-water is actually a really good place to hide something that vampires want to find. Also an awesome trap. Man, Mason Lockwood could be smart. He didn't even really trust Katherine, though he'd convinced himself that she loved him. Aaaaand, he's dead.

Mayor Lockwood's death has made Mrs. Lockwood and Tyler so much more sympathetic. I actually felt a little sad for their tiny family unit when Mason "left for Florida".

Damon torturing someone! ...not at all surprising. We know Stefan can do that too, though he comes across as more in control of himself than Damon does. Phoning Katherine was a terrible idea - shouldn't you know by now not to taunt a psychopath? Especially with all your experience BEING a psychopath? She would have figured it out eventually, but really. REALLY.

Jeremy trying to get involved in the supernatural world intrigues me. I agree that it's a bad idea, but given this town and her sister looking just like the season's villain, it's not that bad an idea. I enjoyed everyone giving Damon dirty looks for it too. Jeremy really didn't know what he was getting into though - to be fair, I'm not sure how easy it would be to predict that someone's going to be tortured and killed based off your information. He really needs to see what a scary guy Damon can be though. (I mean, I think Anna was perfectly capable of torturing someone for information. She just didn't have a reason to, and was more subtle in her info-gathering.)

Matt misses Caroline. ...saw that coming, but it pleases me. Get back together you adorable kids! ...And don't die due to Katherine compelling you to go after Tyler Lockwood. Damnit, what happened to the "get Matt on vervaine" plan? I know it didn't seem necessary anymore since Caroline broke up with him, but really.

Elena, rescuing her boyfriend. With the help of her female friends. Yay! She's gotten pretty badass.

And her breaking up with him for the good of her loved ones. Woah, reversal of the usual hero-love interest dynamic. Stefan's face going all crumply. *clings to them*

What this sums up to: Katherine is scarily efficient. The best solution is to leave town.

tv: vampire diaries

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