(no subject)

Sep 11, 2010 21:40

So you may remember that Awesome Ladies Ficathon from back in July. I was going to post a list of recs, but ended up forgetting it. Here's the smallish list I compiled.

Angel, Cordelia Chase, Fake Heaven (PG-13)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy Summers, American Girls (early series)

Inglorious Basterds, Shoshanna, The Stars Are Made of Fire (PG)

Claire Novak, heads is answers and tails is revenge
Bela, Money (PG)

True Blood
Jessica, Language (R)
Jessica, cold-blooded (PG-13, two replies)

Vampire Diaries
Anna, roaring twenties (PG-13)
Bonnie, Take the Safety Off (G)
Bonnie (/Elena), Old Relations PG-13

Veronica Mars, Veronica and Lilly, Hold On

X-Men, Jubilee, Worlds Away (PG) (prompt: and when they say "american girl" somehow they never mean her)

Aaaaaand, icon meme! The last time I did one was May 15th. Four months is totally enough time between memes, right? (scorpiod1 actually gave me these almost two weeks ago. Er. At least I'm posting it now.)

1. Reply to this post with the words NINJA PIRATE ROBOTS and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee

Veronica Mars! The text is from the opening verse of the song from her show's beginning sequence - "A long time ago, we used to be friends/But I haven't thought of you lately at all". It's one of the best song/series matches I've seen, especially for the first season. Anyways, I think it's a pretty icon. I use it for talking about the awesomeness that is Veronica Mars or stuff relating to growing distances between people/characters or people I haven't talked to in a while, etc.

This is Desire of the Endless from the Sandman series. Zie is the anthropomorphic personification of a concept (desire). Desire is by far the cruelest of the siblings, often interfering with the affairs of zie's older siblings. Also, gender fluid. This icon is good for talking about ~desire~, whether the character, or any facet of zie's domain (hot people, stuff I want, etc.)

This is Doakes from Dexter, a show about a forensic blood splatter analyst who happens to be a serial killer. Doakes is a cop who actually notices that there's something off about Dexter. And comments on it a lot, often aggressively. He's pretty awesome. And watchful. Hence the "Doakes is a suspicious bastard" keywords.

This is a picture of a woman holding a pomegranate to her mouth. Pomegranates have symbolic value in several religions and mythology. The most well known example is probably Greek Mythology's Persephone. The pomegranate seed symbolized fertility, but also sexuality - because Persephone had eaten a few seeds of the pomegranate Hades gave to her, she had to live with him in the Underworld for several months of the year. (This is emphasized by the fact that before she is initially kidnapped, she is often referred to as Kor [maiden - ie. unmarried virgin].) The eating of forbidden fruit is also associated with Eve, of Abrahamic religions. Christianity has a tendency to associate Eve's eating of the forbidden fruit and proferring it to Adam as sexual temptation, with Eve as the temptress. (Or the original sinner, bringing evil into the world like Pandora.) Christians tend to refer to the fruit as an apple, but all it says is "fruit" - wiki informs me that some Jewish scholars say a pomegranate is more likely. The keywords are "eve just wanted to know shit", taken from Hedwig and Angry Inch, which is awesome. As you may have guessed from this ridiculously long explanation, I use this icon for talking about mythology, women in religion, etc. Also it's pretty.

This is Stefan Salvatore cuddling/comforting Elena Gilbert from The Vampire Diaries. I ship Stefan/Elena so I'd had the wanting for an icon of them in the back of my mind, especially since I actually anti-ship Damon/Elena (unless it's OT3, or maybe friend!ship). Stefan protectively cuddling Elena is probably not the best or most accurate way to represent the ship (them being adorable or Elena being toppy would work better). But this shows a lot of Stefan, who I adore, and it's a good icon for comforting people with.

These are the Dollanganger siblings from V.C. Andrews Flowers in the Attic series. It's from the cover of the second book, wherein Catherine is obsessed with vengeance. So yeah, good for commenting on V.C. Andrews, incest, VENGEANCE, dysfunctional families, sanity issues, etc.

memes, fic recs

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