Sep 08, 2009 20:40
My mom bought white bread "with the goodness of whole grain" because it was on an excellent sale. It taste and has the texture of squishy whitebread. Which is to say, bland and lacking in texture. Half of the conversations my dad and I shared for the next two days were about that bread. "Toasting just gives it some crunch, but there's still nothing to it." "It doesn't even fry well." "Maybe it'd be okay for grilled cheese sandwiches." "I hate white bread. ...except cheesebread, raisin bread, sourdough, calabrese, and french bread. ...I hate squishy white bread."
When we finally went and bought bread, it was some kind I can't remember the name of with black olives. My mother hates black olives.
We are so passive-aggressive.
We got her raisin bread the next day. (My dad normally does the shopping. Our everyday bread is usually multigrain. The idea that kids prefer squishy white bread makes no sense to me. Maybe if it's what they're introduced to first?)