This just in:
Fox news is trans-phobic! What a surprise. Also, US Weekly. (Okay, this is old. But I just found out about this incident with Fox douchery.)
An article. It was also called malicious for claiming that Top Model is using her to spur publicity.
...I do admit to suspecting this. I'm not saying that Isis isn't a talented model - I haven't been watching - but it's not like the show hasn't pulled publicity stunts before. Then again, they probably made sure she was a really great model so they wouldn't be accused of favoring the trans-model for a ratings grab. (And everything I've heard about her modeling has been positive, so it seems like she is very good at what she does.)
Oh, hey. They apologized. Sort of. A twenty second clip that doesn't explain what they said and why it was offensive barely counts as an apology.
This is interesting.