Jan 01, 2009 01:15
when the year changed, i was watching fireworks shoot into the air and wishing i could feel my toes. i never like new years day, but today is much different. ive been feeling like i've been on the break of something big, and i think this new year was the push i needed to get myself motivated. i have big plans for this year. i make seasonal goals 4 times a year, but these are my main annual resolutions:
i want to become more conscious of the things i say. i want to think about things before i say them. i want to stop saying negative things about people behind their back, whether i like them or not. i want people to know that i think carefully about what i say and what i think, and that any advice i give will be well mediated on. i want to work on my Icelandic regularly again. Whether i actaully visit there one day or not is still very much up in the air, it doesnt matter if everyone else thinks its something useless to learn. i enjoy it. most importantly: i want to stop focusing on looks so much. myself, (along with most other girls) are guilty of endless comparisons with other females, and putting ourselves down. i drool over lacey dresses and frocks and pearls, when really, having those things would be nice, but i would tire of them just like i tire of every other materialistic thing eventually. so. i've decided to only wear makeup once a month, if at all. and not buy new clothes unless i really need them. this may be a bit on the extreme side, but i want to learn to live without those things. overall, i want to learn how to live selflessly. and put others before myself. all of these things are going to be really difficult to do, because they take conscious effort and work all the time to continue them, but i know i'm going to enjoy it and learn a lot along the way.