Dec 04, 2010 19:52
I went to see the newest HP movie yesterday with Kat. It's something of a tradition of ours. Kat insists she doesn't LIKE the series and only watches the movies because it is tradition, but I argued that she would never participate in something traditional unless she LIKED it ORRRRR if she was forced. And she was not forced. She totally could have escaped those handcuffs and gone for help. So there.
It sickly and pale. Good Lord, Daniel Radcliffe cannot act. If I were try acting as character, and it were recorded and all, I wonder if I would be that bad. But, if I were, surely I would notice. Seriously, what is he thinking about when he's acting angry? Definitely not something that makes him angry! Maybe like, he spilled his milkshake and he can't go get another one right now. You know what he's good at? Acting horny and virginal. Because I saw him doing that in this other movie where he was being seduced by this creepy stalkerish looking girl and he was way good at that. But then in the end he becomes a priest. What's that shit about. He should have a similar reaction with acting that he did with sex in that in...become something that forbids him to do it..
Nah, I'm just kiddin, I'd miss him.
I thought Emma Watson was really good, though. I wish I could remember the books. I've read the first 5 like four times over, and the 6th twice, and I can barely remember anything that happens. I forgot that Dobby dies! That was sad. WTF. Kat cried.