Okay guys. The dichro album has been organized and set up...I think it's fairly easy to use, please give feedback!!!! Check it out
here! And like I said in the original post, if you'd like to make contributions, please post pictures of your dichro, but please include the SIZE, BRAND, TYPE, and COLOR. Any contributions will be credited in the album. :)
EDIT:: Okay, I listened to you guys, and did away with the In Ear/Out of Ear sections. Now it's organized by brand first, then it breaks it down into colors. I know a couple of you expressed that you didn't like the color organization, but that was one of the main things I hated about the old dichro album. I didn't like having to guess which color was which; some of them are pretty similar. So now it's very straightforward. Let me know what you think.
Thank you!