i finally got some nice jewelry for my stretched rook:
i stretched my rook to 10ga
from 18ga forever ago. i got a
I.S. Ti curved barbell but it was too long (and the 5mm balls way too big), so i've been wearing the shaft with o-rings instead of balls for, i don't know, at least a year.
i contacted
Symbiotech through IAM a number of months ago and asked if he could make me a custom small diameter curved barbell with gemmed ends. today i received my barbell plus a bunch of extras (we had trouble with shipping my jewelry).
Symbiotech jewelry is gorgeous. the polish is flawless, the gems super sparkley. everything is internally threaded, and the threads are long and easy to screw in. i think i am going to order another shaft, an even shorter one than my current one, and see how it looks.
i'm very pleased with the jewelry i received. if i can't wear it in my piercings, i'm going to give it away to someone who can, because it's too pretty to live in my jewelry box.
EDIT // oh yeah, and i'm going to find some way to turn these chandelier crystals into weights: