Mar 13, 2006 21:40

yep, i got a shitty pair of wildcat dichro too!

when are we going to revolt in large numbers?

this is ridiculous and 100% totally unacceptable. i am outraged. sounds lame but seriously.. if this was just a one-in-a-million incident, no big deal. mistakes happen. but for so many people in this community for this to be happening to, this is ridiculous. i am going to send them an e-mail upon completion of this post. just wanted to vent here prior to doing so.

16mm df spring green skull & crossbones dichro from wildcat

as if i need to point any of this out:

1. nope, it's not an optical illusion. plug "a" has a wider flare than plug "b" which, if i were to wear these, would make it look as if my lobes were stretched to two different sizes. i know that some of you have lobes like this and that's great, but this is not the look i am going for here.

2. the skull and crossbones image on plug "a" is shorter/wider (rounder/fatter) than the skull and crossbones image on plug "b". so i've got a fucking short, fat skull and a skinny, tall skull. not cute.

3. plug "a" is longer than plug "b" -- i have skinny lobes, thanks. if both plugs were the longer length, i would be more satisfied than having one short plug that suits my needs, and one long ass plus that will just annoy the hell out of me.

4. this doesn't really affect the way the front of the plug looks, or the comfort in wear, but plug "a" has clear glass on the bottom and plug "b" is dark blue through the middle and down through the bottom of the plug.

i also received a pair of silver spiral dichros. they match perfectly, and look awesome. i was so excited/happy to see that they at least got one pair right. alas, i thought they looked a bit large. they are 18mm. i'm 16mm. yeah. i don't know if this was how i ordered them, and i just made a mistake and chose the wrong item/size from the drop-down menu on their site, or if i really ordered 16mm and they sent me 18mm. at this point, i wouldn't put anything past them. i used to be so impressed with wildcat. now i'm.. NOT. i could just cry. ;(

retailers wildcat

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