My most recent assignment for my class “Homosexuality in World Religion” can be done as a dialogue. Basically, we are allowed to write a little play peice between two (or more) parties in order to help illustrate our knowledge of the subject.
The option I am thinking of choosing is as follows:
“Tease out some of the parallels between Augustine’s notion of the sinful self and the Buddhist analysis of attachment/greed for experience.”
Basically, the Augustine approach to sex and how that relates to the “sinful self” is that the orgasm creates a sort of mindlessness and as such is a step away from God. Thus acting in a way in which you seek out sex for the sake of orgasm (or even for procreation) you are entering a state of “God-Forgetfulness”.
The Buddhist analysis of greed/attachment for experience comes into play if the sex is being pursued for the sake of pleasure or for the sake of grasping towards something. However, with Buddhism, the moment of orgasm is a state of blissful mindlessness and possibly the closest one can come to Nirvana through means such as these.
I have the basics down, I guess I’m just trying to figure out if I want to do the dialogue option, or if I want to just have 3 pages to discuss this. As usual, I could probably do it in a page and a half and I need to find a way to expound on these ideas.
Figured this might give people an idea of the types of assignments I get in my classes
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