Roleplaying Goodness

Mar 14, 2008 17:37

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of roleplaying, both LARP and tabletop, and that makes me happy.
So far there are two Exalted games, though one of them acts more like a pickup games while our GM uses the time off to come up with more story ideas. I’m even considering trying to run an Exalted: Dragon-Blooded game, though I’m guessing with me, it’ll be short lived or won’t happen unless I kick myself into gear and lose the nervousness I get about running stuff.

Also, playing a one-shot (maybe) of Scion, in which I’m playing myself, which is very bizarre to say the least. I didn’t think I would feel weird until I was trying to think of what I should do in a certain situation and realized I already knew, haha.

I’m looking forward to some of the releases that White-Wolf has slated, mostly for Exalted, but all that has been pushed to April I think.  As long as I get my hands on Scroll of Kings and Dreams of the First Age this year, I think I’ll be okay.

The Prometheus Larp has been going well, I like the direction my character is taking. Because of the nature of my character and the direction he’s taking, I really want the Iron Man movie to come out already, so I can get ideas for his power suit.

Anyways, this is more of an update on my roleplaying musings, rather than anything truly deep or whatnot, but there’ll be more of that, I’m sure.

Tags: roleplaying, LARP, Exalted

Originally published at Stressmint Dot Com. You can comment here or there.


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