At some point last night, I was hit by a sudden insight. I don’t remember what I was doing at the time, but it wasn’t anything that is normally seen as conducive to having sudden epiphanies and insights, but whatever.
So it’s not something that’s new to me, I mean afterall, I’m a religion major and have encountered this line of thought numerous times, it just suddenly jumped forward in my mind and made sense and though it can be seen as a downer, I found it kind of comforting.
I was sitting around, and suddenly it occured to me that we are alive for only a short time, that we spend eternally more time non existant (in the case before conception) and eternally more time dead (after death, duh) than we do while we are alive. After all, what’s 70+ years when set against a backdrop of timelines stretching out as far back as one’s thoughts can take you in either direction?
But it’s in the moments that we find ourselves, one after the other and even one moment within the other that makes us realize these things.
I don’t know why, but there was a moment of peace that came over me with that thought, quickly replaced by something else, probably by hunger or whatnot, but it stood out long enough for me to remember what it’s like to take a peek at revelatory insights.
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