I posted this on Facebook earlier today, so chances are many of you have already seen it...
But here it is anyways!
King Leonidas from "300". The movie was pretty awesome, and I read the comic soon after and I just felt compelled to do some Miller-esque fanart.
I pretty much spent my whole weekend working on it. It was the first time in a long time that I've gotten so into a drawing that I would ignore food and sleep just to finish. Granted, it can be further refined, but I'm happy with the way it is. I'd like to add more shading to the bottom right, and maybe work on the sky/lightning background, but meh... I've worked long enough on this, I figure.
I don't mean to sound pompous, but I think it's one of the best drawings I've ever done.
With my imagination at a low-point these days, it's nice to fall back on fanart. At least with fanart, the characters are already established.
Next up: Venom and Spiderman.
God, I'm such a geek.
In other news... um... there really is no other news. Work is pretty much my life. My social life is non-existent still. But... things are looking up, I think. For the first time in a while, I feel comfortable at work. It's still not the best environment, but it's not as bad as before.
I still don't know what lies ahead in the future. I'm still looking for work, but I've gotten rather lazy about that. I need to really push myself here.
And about the whole social life thing, I'm trying to work on that too. While I know back home I have an amazing group of friends, here... not so much. I joined a certain "site" yesterday that I'm sure some of you guys use too and see how that goes.
Oh, and if you hadn't heard it from Kirsten yet, Bloc Party was fucking awesome. I'm so happy I went and I was even more happy that Final Fantasy opened for them. Amazing show.
I must admit, I'm not a fan of a seated rock concert. The acoustics were kinda funny too, but whatever, I had an amazing time.
In other other news, I just
It's just a vinyl skin you put over it, but it's pretty nice. The iPod nano is fucking thin as shit, I was afraid to scratch it all up or even leave a fingerprint. This way, it's relatively protected AND it looks pretty pimp.
Here I am listening to my new iPod:
I look pretty stoned. I should look like this all the time.
Anyways, I have nothing more to add.
Godspeed everyone.