After months of procrastination, this has been decided as the design for this year's biochemistry/microbiology (BCMB) clothing.
To be quite honest, I was really hoping that they went for this one:
But I was not part of the decision process. I'm not even sure what colour the shirt will be. I based it on a black shirt, but it might end up looking pretty weird on a different colour.
No matter. It's done, and I get myself a spiffy t-shirt as a thanks for my design.
I thought being back home was going to be weird since I wasn't there to see Chelsea this time, but it turns out I had an awesome time.
Friday night was Kate's birthday where I met a few people and got all chummy with Jack Daniel's. The bastard got me drunk and coerced me to dance like a mad-man until closing time. A few of us ended up at the poolhall until that closed too. I stumbled home mistaken for being Japanese by some random people. I told them I wasn't, but they still kept saying "konnichiwa" anyways.
I know they meant well, but I still find it surprising that people assume I'm foreign just because I'm not white.
Saturday was equally interesting. I bought an argyle hoody for the sake of having something argyle. I totally missed Crystal's message about the dinner and as such, missed the dinner.
I thought that I was perhaps forgotten.
I met up with Lindsey to check out the restaurant that has taken over Syn Bar (Fusion, I believe it's called now). I had a couple of tapas. They weren't as great as I thought they would be.
The chocolate sushi rolls for dessert were interesting though. They serve it with wasabi ice cream and candied ginger to mimic an actual sushi dish. It was cute and... probably the only thing going for that place. (Seriously, it was rather dead on a Saturday night)
After dinner, we hung out at the Subway where I got to meet Hobo Paul.
Interesting guy, that Hobo Paul.
I met up with Sarah, Owen, Crystal et al after that with the intention of hanging out at the Social Club. We didn't end up going, and felt very confused by what was going on around me. Sounds like I missed out on an interesting party though.
I tried to meet up with some people at Lucky afterwards, but the line was atrociously long, and I wasn't that anxious to listen to the musical stylings of DJ Longshanks. I ended up back at the poolhall to get my ass kicked by guys who play probably too much pool.
And finally, Sunday was Chinese New Years - the reason why I came back this weekend.
I've never made a big deal out of Chinese New Years in the past due to my lack of cultural knowledge. It's not as big a deal in Victoria as it is in Vancouver, Hong Kong, Beijing, etc - essentially anywhere where there's a large central population of Asian people.
Still, I went down to Chinatown to check out the festivities. It was fun, and reminded me of my own childhood when I used to participate in kung fu and lion dancing. I have to admit though, I was surprised to see that a large number of those participating in the events were not of Asian descent, but at the same time I was impressed by how they adopted the event more or less as their own.
I hung out with my dad in his shop in Fan Tan Alley. He was playing his two-string violin to people passing by while I quietly waited for the lion to come bless the store.
Though I had an awesome vantage point, I wasn't able to get very good pictures :S
It was fun though, and I'm glad I came back for the weekend.
I came home tired, but fulfilled.
Now I go back to the monotony of work and looking forward to time off work.
It seems silly, but I really need to figure out what I'm doing this summer because I want to know where I'll be so I can start my subscription to Vice magazine.
That magazine is making me it's bitch.