Aug 23, 2007 20:29
I fucking hate the world of medicine sometimes. There are too many people fucking in it for the money and nothing else...people DIE because idiots that care more about their paychecks than doing everything in their power to save someone are sometimes in working in place of people that care and deserve their titles.
You can call it animosity towards terminal illnesses like cancer or CVD that can't be helped...but i refuse to think that some people can survive from the same types of cancer while some perish within a WEEK of diagnosis?...i understand that everyone's body is a little different but fuck that - that's not a matter that can't be helped...
I fucking love karma but sometimes its just way too slow to act...
example: asshole doc who loved his paycheck with the best benz n nice rolexes n shit on who dealt with some patients of mine at the cancer center was mean n acted too proud n like he knew everything to my my patient (with testicular cancer) did his own research n changed his diet around n took different drugs (FROM MEXICO - that takes balls - no pun intended) and hes still alive n now without any cancerous cells left...while the same doctor died from testicular cancer 7 months later...
God what id give to fuckin wipe out all these pre-meds who dont wanna help ppl and just want money and power...
even fucking FRIENDS of mine are likt that...and the ones i associate with are DEFINITELY alot less into it for wrong reasons than the ones i despise...fuck dude i almost wanna try harder to go to med school JUST to take THEIR spots so they dont fuck up the world...seriously...
how big a list is it now of people i know that have died from cancer? gotta start counting on my other hand now...fuck you cancer. and people wanna major in stupid shit like "advertising" and "ethnic studies" - thatll really help the world selfish pricks...