Day Three.

Nov 03, 2020 15:53

Today is the official US election, and I'm feeling for my US friends.

I hope that things go smoothly down there. I hope you get rid of that incredible disaster that is your president. I hope that the transfer of power goes smoothly and that you get a more progressive gov't in place, and that they have the seats in the house/congress/senate/whatever you call your legislative bodies to actually get bills passed.

I hope that your conservatively stacked Supreme Court doesn't try rolling back the human and reproductive rights that marginalized people have managed to get.

I hope you get a gov't that closes down those migrant detention centres and starts the long, costly process of reuniting families and providing the supports for the trauma that has been inflicted on them.

I hope for a more humane set of people in power for you all.

There was a meme going around regarding how the democrats, trying to influence the election, work at getting out the vote and how the republicans work to suppress it...

On the plus side, got some good news today from Rhys' agent regarding a project that will be coming up. No idea how many days of filming, how many episodes he will be part of, or the size of his role in the show but still... super exciting that they want him.
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