Petshop Of Horrors, fic: DEVELOPMENTS, Chapter 9 - part 15

Mar 17, 2009 17:32

The voice in Leon's ear sounded like D had been sucking helium.

"Why would y'want me helpin y'make rice? I don't even know the first thing about how t'make rice!" Leon's own indignant bellow brought him fully awake. A soft waft of cool air on his upper arm drew his freshly opened eyes to T-Chan's direction, just in time to see the teddy-goat finish a ginormous yawn. The sight triggered the detective into doing the same, only to find T-Chan looking at him a tad smuggly. "Knock that off right now--those things are contageous," Leon grumbled playfully.

T-Chan responded by leaning his face down to Leon's arm again--and dragged a long, rough tounge over his skin.

"Hey-hee--" Leon laughed out an exclaimation.

T-Chan licked another long trail up Leon's arm casually.

"Are you trying to tell me I need a shower?"

The teddy-goat answered with another long lick up his arm...and then swiped the top of his head against the spot he'd been licking.

"Oh-great. Now you're using me t'wash your hair!" Leon drawled in overly dramatized annoyance.

There was a sound like a dog's squeeky-toy traveling solo down a long flight of stairs on the other side of Leon's head. He turned to find that the sorce was close enough to what it had sounded like. Q-Chan was leaning agains the mammoth pillow under Leon's head with one hand, and holding his fuzzy little belly with the other as he succumed to a laughing fit.

"You're gonna laugh you're little wings right off--and then I'm gonna call you Schmoo-Chan,"
the detective announced wryly.

The squeeky toy came to the bottom of the stairs abruptly.

T-Chan planted his tiny fists at his rounded little sides and glared up at a smirking Leon.

"That's not nearly as bad of a fate as trying to get me t'help y'cook rice," Leon warned with a taunting sneer.

The offended little creature quickly transformed into a fluffy little ball of enthusiastic sympathy. It reached a little paw to the top of Leon's other shoulder and patted it with reasuring little...beeping noises.

Leon was somehow reminded of a kindly cowbow offering encouragement to a new hand. He raised a skeptical brow, risisting the urge to bust a gut of the thought of Q-Chan sporting a mini cowboy hat and chaps. "All right, hot shot. But if this little experiment blows up in your face, I claim full rights t'say 'I told y'so'".

Q-Chan graced Leon with a slow blink of utter confidence, then launched himself up above the bed, "Kyu! Kyu-kyu-kyu-kyu-kyu."

Leon sat up and lowered his feet down, before twisting around and scooping a stretching Pon-Chan up in his arms. "Oohoo! Now that looks like a good idea!" He said, draping the tanooki over one shoulder and executing a rather impressive stretch himself. Letting out a satisfied sigh, he stood, craddling his arm under Pon-Chan's hind legs. "Head'em up-n-move'em out!" He followed Q-Chan with the teddy-goat on his heals (almost literally).

Schmoo: an antiquated newspaper comic creature first appearing in the L'il Abner strip in the early 1970s. The creature later had it's own Saturday morning cartoon slot of American television. Images of the Schmoo can be found in Wikipedia.

psoh, petshop of horrors, q-chan, leon orcot, t-chan, count d

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