Since NELP, I only make one resolution. This is the second year that I'll have renewed this resolution, and although I didn't post about it last year, I was thinking about it.
So how am I doing? Well, I don't have a perfect track record. I've screwed up here and there, to be sure. I'm still reluctant in certain social settings, and all that, but I am getting better. Bolder.
And those of you who know me or have read this blog for the past four years (holy crap, have I been doing this since 2002?) know about my personal motto and mission statement: Nosce Ipsum. Or, in English, know thyself. To a degree I'm pretty proud of, I do. I started regularly keeping a paper journal this year, and I've done an excellent job of keeping up with it. I finished the one I bought after NELP, as well as the one I bought to replace it.