Rogue is gone or that's what we suspect.
Another one lost, how many more can we lose before we break?
Jean is alive or so our eyes would have us believe, Logan says she's dead and she's a ghost, I don't know what to think.
Logan's hurting, as much as he would like us to believe otherwise, he is. I believe Rogue's loss has hit him harder than Jean's sudden ressurection, he looked to her like a father would look to a daughter. It's always hard when the people we love turn their backs.
I lost control earlier, allowed my feelings to get the better of me and for the first time in a very long time I wasn't alone. Logan was there.
I just wish I knew what to think.
We observed Alkali lake and it would seem that there's a residual trace of telekenesis. The only conclusion I can draw is that it's a direct result of Jean's ressurection.
Has there been any progress with Rogue?
I have news.