Is your resistance strong? by Chris Almazan (GotoQuiz)

Jan 08, 2025 14:06

Many people think and say that if there were ever some sort of apocalypse and they somehow survived it, they could just as easily survive post-apocalyptic earth. If YOU think that, take this quiz

Can you survive a post-apocalyptic world? Many have tried but only a few have succeeded. When ou think about it, you CAN survive it, but in real life it's a different story. Take this quiz to find out if you truly can survive, and save your resistance


Your Result: Famine has plagued your resistance 76%

In the first few weeks of surviving, all food your team has obtained has been consumed. You find food and other valuable resources, but only enough to feed most of your team. In the next couple of months, the number of your resistance was decreased.

Your resistance is unsuccessful 68%

Your resistance is undefeatable 66%

Your resistance is falling 62%


1 . What is your age?

31 to 40 Years Old

2 . What is your gender?


3 . This is the aftermath of the apocalypse. Okay?


4 . You step outside your house to see the streets of(whereever you live)abondoned. Where do you go?

Wander the streets for human life

5 . Luckily, you stop by a store containing dozens of people. They're all scared, and don't know what to do. What do YOU do?

Ask them what happened

6 . Since you try not to show any amount of fear, the residents in the store ask you for orders on what to do. You say...

Be careful with this question. It decides your leadership.

7 . Half your group secures the city, while the other half searches for other survivors. In your half(the search party) you run into a small group with guns, protecting their food supply. Fight or negotiate?

raise hands up, and back away slowly

8 . Sadly, the other group opens fire on yours! Four of your men are dead. You and a buddy(lets call him Clive)Hide behind a school bus. How do you save the rest of your team?

Drive in, collect all your allies and drive off

9 . Forutanetly, Clive manages to scare off the enemy, and the rest of your group snatches the food and drives out of their.

deliver the food back to your resistance

10 . With your remaining group left, they know nothing about using weapons. DO you...

Have someone else teach them

11 . With everyone well-equiped, you raid the town for more survivors. you've trespassed anohter groups territory. They begin the assault. What's next?

have half the team search for survivors/other useful items while you cover them

12 . (No effect) Imagine if we lived in a post-apocalyptic world. Hella scary

People say they can handle it but in real life they'd be scared too

13 . Your resistance is still standing strong. But in your territory, another group has threatened to invade it.

reason with the invaders

14 . You decide to ambush the enemy. You've assigned some of your teammates to snipe them from buildings, and you've planted landmines throughout the field. What is your next move?

I'd be in sniper position, executing headshots

15 . After a long bloody battle, you have vanquished the threat, and furthermore, you have located more food and water!

I'd try to find news about what is happening outside the city

16 . Luckily, you hear news about a survivors colony in Pennsylvania(Why in that state? cuz August burns Red)You are currently in, lets say California. Do you take your team to the colony?

Stay in California and continue to fight

17 . Let's skip a few chapters, and you have made it to the colony...

this answer has no effect

18 . Anyways you survived the apocalypse, and best of all the guy/gilr of your dreams has fallen for you. Hooray!

We still need to find out what happened to the world

19 . Sorry the quiz wasn't as good as it should've been. But thanks for taking it

It's chill


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