What Kind Of High School Girl Are You?
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HS Stereotypes Girls in high school have all different kinds of personalities. What's yours? There's the athlete, socialite, wallflower, musician, super-brain, and girlfriend.
Ready to find out who you most likely are? I hope you like the quiz and please don't get offended if I call you an athlete and you thought you were a socialite. You never know! Thanks for taking the quiz!
https://www.gotoquiz.com/what_kind_of_high_school_girl_are_you - First day of High School! What are you most looking forward to?Seeing my boyfriend!
Seeing everyone! But mostly my best friends! I missed my crew:)
Seeing what my new classes are like & what I will learn.
When my sports team starts practice, I've already signed up!
Nothing... I dread everything about the first day of school! Help!
My chorus/music/band class. They have the best music program there.
- What is your favorite class in school?Gym class
English, math, science, Spanish, AND history. Did I say english?
Math... I guess. I sit in the back and DON'T raise my hand!
Band! and I can't wait for the musical auditions!
French, I can watch cute guys talk in french!
English because we get to share our thoughts on books and write poems.
- You're first day of school is going smoothly. Now it is lunch time. You...Are with your band eating plates & plates of food!
Are dreading it. Where do I sit??? Who do I sit with?
Have been waiting to get back with your lunch crowd! You get your food and sit with your best boy/girl friends.
Are getting a big sandwich & salad. Gotta get energy to stay strong throughout the day!
Find your boyfriend, and sit with him and a couple other pals.
Almost drop your books as you get on line for food! Then you go sit with some friends to talk about classes.
- Lunch is over. Happy or sad?
Happy Happy Happy! (lol)
sad... I don't want to go to class!
- The bell rings for the end of the day! And even better, its Friday!My favorite day of the week! Tomorrow my friends & I are getting together for a back to school party!
Yay! But I have to stay after to put my guitar in the band room.
Finally! The bell rings, and RUN oUt Of ThErE!
Cool! But I'm actually going home in an hour because I have tennis practice!
Ok... That's cool. I'm not doing much this weekend besides studying.
- Hanging out on the weekend. If there's one thing you could do, what would it be?
Go to a concert!
Go to a baseball game!
go out and paaarrtyy!
go out with my boyfriend
... stay home!
- So you've gone through a few weeks of school, and soon the inevitable drama starts. Apparently someone called you a **blank-blank-blank** behind your back! Ahhhh!!! How do you react?
I get my friends. All of us together can plot some revenge!!
I make SURE she is sorry. Either way, I will WIN this battle!
I probably am... I can't do anything about it
Not much, but I am still sad. I think I'll go write a song about it...
I tell my boyfriend. then... idk!
That's a waste of time! School is for studying, not drama!
- Oh no. You got sent to the principal's office. May I ask,, WHY did you get in trouble young lady???Umm, I didn't show up to school/late too much
I beat someone up and laughed at them!
I got caught listening to music during class. How bad is that?
The old talking in class. ugh I hate that rule!
Ummm.. My boyfriend and I had a little kissing session & we got caught...
I cheated on a test. This is terrible!!!
- Now, I will ask you. Do you like...
art or music?
talking talking and talking?
talking. a little?
thinking to myself
- Last question... How was the quiz? Actually, can you just comment and rate? I spent a lot of time on this and I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!Ok I will!
Ok I will!
What Kind Of High School Girl Are You?
Your Result: Musician
You love music, you can always be found either on stage, backstage, or in the music room at after school. But wherever you are, there is always music playing in your head. You have some friends and are sometimes quiet, but at times you can surprise people and be crazy and funny! That's how musicians are! Please comment and rate!
Super-Brain 40%
Wallflower 34%
Girlfriend 24%
Athlete 0%
Socialite 0%