Which strategy game are you? by The Geek (GotoQuiz)

May 16, 2024 16:36

There are many strategy games out there, some with more strategy then others, the answers to this quiz are my top 4 favourites. Take this quiz, this very quiz, to find out which one you are most like!

Please answer the questions truthfully for best results, or are answer with complete opposite to find out which you are least like. Please share this quiz when you are done. Also I apologize in advance for the misspelling in one of the answers, leave a comment if you manage to find it.


Which strategy game are you?

Your Result: Stratego 80%

You could almost say this game is like chess, where you don't see the opponents pieces. Like chess there is no luck from dice rolls, however you do not know your opponents pieces ensuring your doom if you are not cautious.

Risk 66%

Clue 56%

Chess 33%


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