May 30, 2007 10:13
Here is the road I am on right now. I have decided I loathe and detest a regular work situation. By that I mean getting up, coming here, doing this, going home. I don't necessarily dislike what I'm doing, but it's not my life's work. Not my passion. And quite frankly, I think that dealing with the people I do is starting to get to me. Our justice system is getting to me. This department is getting to me.
Anyway long story short, I want to start my personal training business at some point, and see if I can someday move from it being an extra-curricular to maybe going half time here, to maybe someday never having to come here again. Not right this minute of course, but I want to start taking steps toward it.
I would primarily like to work with overweight individuals and people with health challenges.
What do you think I should call the business? I am not good at coming up with such things.
EDIT!!! What should I take into consideration or ask myself when trying to come up with a name?
What kind of words, images, messages, trainer would you feel drawn to? Inspire you? What would make you want to work out with me?