Title: Quiet Revolution / Chapter 18 - Lifeline
Author: street scribbles
Rating: R
Summary: There is Draco Malfoy. And Albus Dumbledore. Hermione Granger. Cedric Diggory. Ron Weasley. Harry Potter, too. Sirius Black. If only we all had an extra lifeline.
A/N: Told you guys I didn't forget ♥. Anyway, I hope it's decent. :) Let me know! And the
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I'm speechless. But in a good way. In a fwoaar-that-was-insanely-awesome kind of good. :D
The part where Hermione figured out how Draco died was..quite easily put, heart-breaking. Gaah. And I LOVE the part in the spell where Ron comes to Hermione after she's been saved by Harry. I'm pretty sure I went 'AWWWH!' in front of my computer right then.
“You have to come with me! If I go, you go!” Hermione said.
“I will. Let’s jump.”
Am I the only one having a total Titanic moment from that? 'You jump, I jump' LOL :D
And don't even START! That's TOTALLY original, man! DUDE! I get accused of copying movies way more than what is normal! Haha, maybe I should start to reevaluate all the movies I've seen.
But hey, as for the rest ;) -- thank you! You're way too sweet, and I enjoyed getting this. :)
PS. I busted a stalker move and checked out your userinfo, you're a Harry/Pansy fan?! DUDE! I love them -- they're awesome.
Harry/Pansy is awesome. Almost as awesome as Draco/Hermione. But has fandom hidden the H/P fic stash in a supersecret website from me or is there really that few fics of them? Woe.
Really? What've you read? I'm working on an H/P right now, actually. And I know a few talented writers who've tried it also, if you want any recs! Just holler! :D
LAME! I need sleep. And please disregard the second one. ;P
But go! Sleep! Sleep is gooood. :D
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