Aug 01, 2006 19:10
I just got back from visiting my home city of NY and while I was there I was fortunate enough to be able to see Spamalot on Broadway. As I was sitting in my balcony seats scanning the playbill enjoying my 5 dollar box of Junior Mints my eye caught the words Buffy the Vampire Slayer among the cast biographies. Harry Groener who played the mayor now plays King Arthur in the play. He did a fantastic job and the play was hilarious and afterwards I went outside and waited by the stage door, because i'm a complete nerd like that, and when he came up I approached him and I was like 'you're Mr. Groener right?" and he goes 'yes' and i say 'i'm a huge fan' and he goes "oh you liked the play did you?" and I was like "what? oh yeah the play sure but you were on Buffy!!!' he started laughing i think he got a kick out of it he says that most people who wait outside the stage door of Spamalot come to talk to him about his days as the mayor. but he said most people so i figure i can't be the only one who called him on it.
just figured id share my moment w. other people who'd appreciate it