Oct 09, 2006 08:30
Saturday morning I decided I should do something to my hair maybe nothing drastic but something that would make it apppear lighter. The lighter the hair the lighter your complexion looks and really let's face it im dark enough as it is so anything that will help is gladly accepted. No, not as far as what Michael Jackson would go but you get the point lol. I was at the salon when this guy comes in and mentions the car show in Dallas. I really like cars to a certain point because I don't go out to racces, own one or entirely know every name of the pieces inside a car. Last year I was invited to go and it was really cool. I decided to wear high heels and that was a very bad idea. So, this year I wore flip flops but the funny thing is that we never got in. That is a story within itself. Went to eat at hooters.... yes, I know I said I would never eat there again.