Title: Three Dads and One Mom
Sempai-sama /
moehoshiDisclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own PoT. D: *points Konomi-sensei*
Warnings: HET. Possible OOCness. Suggestive themes. Perverted Tricksters. Potty Mouths. :D
Notes: Credits to my imouto-chan (
rikkaian ) for the idea and a million thanks to my beta (and bestie),
Summary: She and the boys spend quality time together and they get TOO friendly... The morning after? Someone finds more than one man beside her as a pleasant surprise...
An gaped at her realization. She looked under the sheets and confirmed that she was indeed naked... More notes: Just reposting the fic I've written a month ago and is in serious need of an update. I know a lot of you have already read this but for those who haven't yet, please enjoy. (/ω\)