(no subject)

Jul 03, 2005 01:56

an expoertyimant - in aduio rocketry - please rewad this - I NEED ATTEJNTION!

I so wanrt no more sarcastricry -./........ and all I wanrt id rqadio waves - waves shafred by humansd - like loving - like me - I love them al - and my mind sometimes has toruble processeing this complexity - never though - its all a condition on symewttry - please accetp that we are all aymmetry - we know each other 0- we know aooo ou of our masturbatiobn!! hgahahaha,.,, I AND SO WE ARE - WE HAVZE BECOME SHATTERED - WE HAVE TO L0OSE CONTRO OF OUR CRITEREON - TYHE ROADS YOU TRAKE THE FREINDS YOU MAKE ARE ALL JUS AS SIMPKE AS YOURSELF - PLEASE ACCEPT THIS DREAM - QTHATS AL I HAVE TO SQAY 0 THIS IS NX IS SO SIMPLE - DON'T YOU FELE LIKE OMEONE IS LOVING YOU TONIGHT?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!





PLKEASE 0 JUST STOIPP TRQNCENFDING THISINTO ANOTHER THING - NONE OTHER TYHAN - A CHILDHGOOD MEMORY - A LOVE OF BLISS AND A EXPLANATION - NO THWERE IS NO EXPLANATION OF LOVE - IN CHILDHOOD WHEN YOU LOOKED UPOPN YOUR FATHER QWITH RREVENGE AN NOT EVEN KNOWING WHAt he sees - honesty - honestly - i love you - is so shattering - ing - I love it- it - ,.... csan you tr ember the reason you had when you were a kid - fight?

was there a reason to fight?

no way... we wanted to learn to love - thats that smpple!!!!1

please ..... heh - : )
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