Feb 16, 2007 02:27
I can't remember everything I ate the past 2 days. Let's just say it's not pretty. Also I didn't go to the gym yesterday or today. I'm not going to stress out over it too too much, just carry on, pressing forward. Tomorrow is weigh in. 2 weeks ago, I weighed in at 167. One week ago (Friday) I weighed in at 160. Let's hope for the same downward trend tomorrow.
Ugh, 160 is just an utterly disgusting number. A 22 year old girl of my height and lifestyle should not be over 150 pounds, nevermind over 160.
So the goal for the next ten weeks is to continue to lose at least 2 pounds per week by eating no more than 1,000 calories a day and working out at least 6 times a week, possibly sometimes twice a day if time/work schedules allow.
Oye. This is HARD.