Jan 02, 2006 13:17
(Anyone who is close enough to Benjamin Ikoal to be called a friend will have been told this story at some time)
"So you want to know how Jacen, came to be with me? Why he is loyal to me as a son to a father? Why he doesn't speak? Why he has become as a second part of my body, of my story itself? Well, my friend have some more tea, pack your pipe and I will tell you the story of how Jacen's and my own threads became intwined in the tapestry of life"
(Benjamin leans further onto his cushion, brings his cigarette to his lips and exhales a puff of smoke curling around his face)
It was 1970 in Colorado, It was almost summer and I had been traveling for 5 years on my own, I was just 25 at the time. Well my friend, I was never the one to stick strictly to the highways even then when I traveled. I preferred the more scenic routes even if they were more difficult. If a man chooses to travel for whatever reason, it is only fair for him to choose that method which most suits his personality. For me it was the wilder ways, it gave me comfort to sleep among the wilds from which my path draws strength.
Well, it was a bright day and the air was fresh with life. Also it was full of other smells that day,, the smell of ripe marijuana which i was comfortable to travel wide around knowing the territorialness of most of these farmers. I would have been content to travel on, never meeting the inhabitants of the dwelling I knew must be nearby. However, My friend, lady fate had other ideas of my course on this day, and for that I give thanks everyday. For some reason, when i was almost out of the area, I assumed made up the property of the farm, I became disoriented, confused, my sense of direction failed me for one of the few times in my life. I could no longer remember which way was the path I meant to take. I paused for a moment until my path became clear to me again and I continued on with every confidence I was traveling well away from that which i seeked to avoid. However, My friend I will confess I was wrong, I was on the correct path, but not the one I chose for myself.
Twenty minutes I was suprised to catch glimpse of a large patch of marijuana in a clearing in the woods and a small shack. As I turned to leave I heard the sounds of screams and gunfire. Well I confess, I did what any lone gypsy will do when Gaje start firing guns,,, I hid. I kept my hiding place until the killers left, but yes friend I saw their faces. After they left I made my way to the shack to see if their was anyone I could save. The site I saw was terrible, a dead father, a raped and killed mother, and a small girl who had suffered the same fate. I cursed my cowardice, that I could have done something to aid this family, and yes I did something rare for a gypsy, I cried for the fate of these Gaje, that could have if things had been different, been adopted members of my own family. I was careful not to touch the belongings that lay about, for for a gypsy these things are unclean unless taken by vengance. It was then Clauso, my faithful ferret came to the fore, he climbed out of the sling that hung from my waist and gently jumped to the floor. Reaching into his mind, I could sense what he did, there was another person here, a small flutter of a heartbeat. He led me to a cabinet which when opened revealed a 5 year old boy, blonde hair blue eyes. I led the boy out with a soft hand and he said not a word as he peered into my eyes. As he saw the remains of his family, he turned his face aside