Oct 25, 2005 21:22
Shadow Name: Mythos
Mortal Alias:Benjamin Ikoal
Real Name: (Not telling)
Path: Acanthus
Order: Mysterium
Concept: Collector, Teacher, Con Artist, Retired Traveler
Character Inspirations:
Snatch, Thinner,
Quote: "You come to my shop? Buy, Sell, or Trade, ahhh you wish to see the special room, bad luck? We can fix that up, I have a special 4 leaf clover from Ireland, picked by a virgin before her wedding, that will do the trick, I think"
Quick and Dirty Background: Born out of wedlock, raised by circus workers and Grandmother who was a "Fortune Teller", taught the tricks of the trade by anyone willing, Awakened at 16 due to grandmother, currently owns a curiosity shop"
age: 60
1945 Ripped out of mother's stomach Maryville, TN
1946-61 Visited hundred's of small towns across the U.S.
1961 Awakened St. Louis MI Married same year
1962 First and Second Child born Fraternal Twins Boy and Girl in Little Rock Arkansas
1963 Third and Fourth Child born Fraternal Twins Boy and Girl in Denver Colorado
1964 Joined Mysterium, Wife is killed by Enemy, Benjamin Leaves Family Group, Children taken in and raise by a family member. Benjamin is now age 19.
1965 Travels to Knoxville Tn, Buys a Warehouse with a double basement, secures a place for a library there pays taxes for 5 years.
1965-2000 Travels the Country and World, has many one night stands with many different women in many different places, searching for lost collections of books, artifacts etc.
2001 Through an extreme accident of fate meets up with a set of his twin children from a one night stand, moves back to Knoxville and Begins Ikoal's Emporium, a Gypsy shop that buys sells and trades everything from junk to antiquities.
Connections Wanted:
1. Any Acanthus
2. Any Mysterium
3. Circus workers in the 50's
4. Professional thiefs "collectors"
This character is based in Knoxville, Tn Please email tothevictor@gmail.com if interested or post here
Joseph Bryant