Sep 20, 2005 01:32
John walk through the woods that surround his home, Marge's, the Twin's, Lee's, the Girl's new home. He thinks of all the places he and Axe have been, the blood soaked battlefields, the backroom dives, the holes in the sewers. "Not too shabby for us huh, Axe?"
Inside him Axe stirs, grumbles "We gone soft, You've gone soft, You think you can keep me in here forever?"
"Just returning the favor"
"Favor? Favor? I didn't keep up, you yellow scared little shit, you hid, while I did the dirty work, now you don't even want to think about me? Who the Fuck you think you are?"
"I'm John, Axe the first born of this shell, like or not, I'm back and you are still here, so we are just going to have to deal aren't we?"
"Yeah, we'll deal, until you need me next time?"
"Yeah, and watcha going to do when I need you next Axe?"
"I am going to do what I always do,,,,,, Kill them"
Axe goes silent, lurking, brooding, waiting for the next kill.
John walks on, speaking with the trees, the grass, the wind.
And the wind speaks back, at least in his mind " Welcome Home, John, Born of Earth, Scarred by Pain, Keeper of the Promise"
John smiles and tends to his home.