Nov 07, 2006 13:44
This is going to be the last thing I post on LJ. It was an interesting experiment in that I would from time to time voice thoughts or concerns with regard to private life or politics. It was interesting to see who thought what and who responded to what. I think though, that the time for LJ has come to an end for me. I will continue to read through the life of some as I am very interested in how things are going with people that for one reason or another I am just not able to talk to as much as I would like.
I am greatly disappointed though that there are those that for one reason or another have decided that I am a bad person or an evil creature because they do not agree with what I think or with how I do things. There are those out there that treat someone else poorly and have decided that I am the perfect excuse for the reason that they do it. That is shitty to the person. You can say what ever you want about me because odds are very good that I do not give a fuck what you think. I live my life as best I can with what I have to work with. Treatting someone poorly and trying to use me as your excuse, however, is beyond disgusting. You do not like what life has done to you, that is you problem. YOu do not like what I am doing, that is your problem. You treat others poorly in my name, that is low.
Take this however you want. For those of you that have stood by me and been there through some of the most difficult choices that any person has ever had to make, thank you. For those that know they are my friends and either time or space has seperated us, I love you. For the rest, well thank you too. You have shown me that there are those that I can count on and those that I cannot. And for that you will be remembered.
I would say that this has been fun but in most cases it has not. So until I talk to you...