
Nov 30, 2010 21:25

 I had my first Thanksgiving in five years last weekend, going back down to the United States to celebrate with Nikki's family. It was delightful, homey, and regular. It felt good to be a part of something regularly occuring. Canadian Thanksgiving is in October, and I've missed it the last five years being in Germany, America, Asia and elsewhere. Since Nikki has been in the picture and I've been observing American Thanksgiving as well, we've been in Europe and Asia the last two years when it has occured so we've missed that as well.

But now being home, we are back here until very early 2011, at which point we head to the other side of the world where January means summer and while I will appreciate the warmth there is something about waking up at home to a calming overcast greyness and falling snow that I can only describe as cozy and comforting. On the note of being home- I got a somewhat strange email in the past couple days asking what kind of house a circus artist has. I'm not entirely sure what that means but I told him I'd take a few fun photos and put them up so I did. It was a little dark for some of them, but here are a few snapshots of life at home.

A nice cozy living room. Christmas lights outside at the neighbours place across the street.

This is the recipe for a good post- Hockey on television of course.

A shot of the backyard, and yes, that is my car covered in snow. We got ten inches of it in the last few days.

A little insight into how we spend long cold Canadian winter nights: Gaming. This is Nikki and I's geek-world station, which we indulge in only after training, of course.

The dining room, between the living room and the gaming nook. Passport is naturally on the table, ready to go.

And finally, the best part of coming home. I couldn't find him for a little bit, but then I heard some shuffling in my backpack, and there he was napping.

As much as I love hitting the airport or hitting the road or train or boat or anything... It's good to be home.

Lastly, as a bit of a post-script, I have to send love to my good friend Byron who has appeared a few times in this blog. His Dad died earlier today- So Byron, even though you asked for no phone calls and quiet time for the next couple days, I'm thinking of you, buddy. You might be thousands of kilometres away, but tonight I poured us each a drink on the counter. Drank mine, and poured yours down the drain in your Dad's honour. It'll have to do until I can buy you one next time our paths cross.RE

byron, holiday, cat, seasons, home, the love

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