I revamped my website
A Sorta Fairytale. There are some features that could be useful for you as well...
- The fav icon: It's this little icon you see in the address bar next to the address (for LJ it's the pen). If you want to try it, visit
this site. Tutorial included.
- The coolest guestbook ever: It's easy to install and you can customize it. Lissa Explains it All has a great
tutorial for it.
- HTML & PHP Conversion: If you are new to PHP (as I was until today), I really recommend this
tutorial for it by DayDream Graphics. There are other tutorials as well which I find very easy to understand.
If you have any questions, just ask me ^^ I will try my best to help you *nods* And to think that until last year I didn't even know what HTML was...