Lots of wallpapers...

Sep 18, 2006 16:56

I was having this idea for some time now and when I found this paper slip stockimage at stock.xchang, I just had to make versions for more than one fandom ;)
Therefore, the base is the same in every wallpaper and just the pretty people are different.
The lyrics are from Nickelback's Savin' Me.

[Battlestar Galactica - Kara/Lee & Roslin/Adama]
[CSI: New York - Lindsay/Danny]
[Doctor Who - Rose/Nine & Rose/Ten]
[House MD - Cuddy/House & Cameron/House]
[L&O: SVU - Olivia/Elliot]
[Stargate SG1 - Sam/Jack]
[Stargate Atlantis - Elizabeth/John & Teyla/Ronon & Rodney/Carson]
[Stargate Atlantis - Elizabeth/Ronon & Teyla/John & Rodney/John]

They are in two sizes: One for traditional and one for widescreen.

Battlestar Galactica - Kara/Lee & Roslin/Adama

1024x768 || 1280x800

1024x768 || 1280x800

CSI: New York - Lindsay/Danny

1024x768 || 1280x800

Doctor Who - Rose/Nine & Rose/Ten

1024x768 || 1280x800

1024x768 || 1280x800

House MD - Cuddy/House & Cameron/House

1024x768 || 1280x800

1024x768 || 1280x800

L&O: SVU - Olivia/Elliot

1024x768 || 1280x800

Stargate SG1 - Sam/Jack

1024x768 || 1280x800

Stargate Atlantis - Elizabeth/John & Teyla/Ronon & Rodney/Carson

1024x768 || 1280x800

1024x768 || 1280x800

1024x768 || 1280x800

Stargate Atlantis - Elizabeth/Ronon & Teyla/John & Rodney/John

1024x768 || 1280x800

1024x768 || 1280x800

1024x768 || 1280x800

Enjoy ^-^

♥ elizabeth/ronon, ♥ rose/doctor, ♥ teyla/ronon, ♥ laura/bill, tv: law & order: svu, ♥ john/rodney, tv: doctor who, tv: battlestar galactica, tv: stargate atlantis, tv: stargate sg1, graphic: wallpaper, tv: house md, ♥ kara/lee, ♥ cuddy/house, ♥ elizabeth/john, ♥ olivia/elliot, ♥ lindsay/danny, ♥ teyla/john, ♥ rodney/carson, tv: csi: new york

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