Jun 07, 2007 21:38
I wish Seppi were here. There's no point developing my Star Wars universe without him. O, Devlin Jade, Alexar Rackham, Rhys Gwynnedd, Davos Parr...!
They never will live again without him as a captive audience.
Why, oh why did Brooklyn have to take him? My baby brother, browneyed and with fuzzy cheeks.
And really, I had my chance. This is his.
But I do miss the sweetie.
Look out the saints are coming through....
And it's all over now Baby Blue...
Other than these reflections life is quite as rich and right as it ever was. I have been gifted, after all, a real living, breathing person from the same hallowed halls, and he landed in Maryland Friday. Not a day goes by I am not taken breathlessly aback at the unexpected blessing.
the highway is for gamblers, better use your sense
take what you have gathered from coincidence....
Meanwhile I have been re-reading old journals, and thinking a lot about the past...considering starting to write again and such... Eventually. There's a lot of static to be run through. And i am once again listening to Dylan dylan dylan...reminding me of things i thought I had forgotten. There is an element of finding oneself again in all this. I've been presented with an utterly foreign identity and a future I never asked for. Not withstanding it's a marvelous future, there's some degree of shock. This is the hand of fate I used to pray for in my old gutter-cant folksongs. As if destiny had reached down and said, "There. Now live that!"
the empty-handed painter from your streets
is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets