all that fit in one weekend?

Apr 20, 2010 20:59

Holy crap last weekend was a trip.

Friday night after some unusual games of telephone, we ended up downtown at a house party where my housemate Perro got in a child's playhouse....there is a picture it will be produced if I have enough requests. It's fucking classy as hell. Then we ended up at a bar, sports bar, which was interesting and a lot less of a what the hell experience then any time I was at the gay bar in Iowa City, yes I had been there a few times.

Saturday was a nice MCY ride where we Joe, Perro, Zoober, Fozzie, Panth, Wolphy, and myself went to starved rock. That place is so beautiful I'm glad we killed some Indians there and made it a park. There are photos: including one of me trying to be extra safe it's hard to wear 2 helmets, and a classy shot I'M A GENTLEMAN!

After the ride took a shower then headed up to furball's bbq, was alright. Made fun of some people drank a few beers. Made fun of more people.

Sunday, installed a ceiling fan in the house's living room, cathedral ceilings suck ass for installing that stuff....but once it was up it's purdy and moves a ton of air. While I was up on the ladder Slush informed me I had to come down to see the retard circus happening in my yard, as my neighbor decided to try to ride a snowmobile through my yard on a mild April day.... People don't believe me when I say I live next to crazies. After that adventure was over Ye, Poomie, and Wolphy came over and we had a cookout. Which ended in a wonderful disaster as slush called for shots....a few times.

Every night ended in drinking, it was like college all over again. Monday was hell as I was hungover till aboot noon. Wouldn't trade the insanity for anything, when I lose that insanity I'm that much closer to dead and I have plans damnit.
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