drugs...who needs drugs?

Mar 30, 2008 13:17

Yesterday was interesting, spent the morning looking at decks and talking to Brenn about realistic options. No offense perro but the option you were showing was like putting a series of nice recessed lighting in a haunted house...yea it's nice but it is too nice for the job it needs to preform.

While I was on the phone with Brenn about lunch I got a call from Socks...asking if I wanted to drive up to WI and play paintball...um...YES. An excuse to play is an excuse to play I'll take it. I had a good day of play overall. Started the day with my intimidator for 2 games since the autococker was still up in the air. After those two games I decided to try what some people on AO suggested and try to get the cocker working...and I was shocked...she worked. Used the cocker the rest of the day, and enjoyed it. Did reasonably well...all in all I'd have to say I got maybe a few more eliminations then the number of times I was eliminated. Most supprizing thing, I usually hose paint...I know, and I shouldn't...I got a case...used less than half. I still have 3+ pods from the 2 bags I opened. I'm rather proud of that, and the "standard" I was using to check my usage was Socks (who plays a lot of pump) and I actually had more paint left over from the half case I opened than he did. It proved to myself that I don't need to use a lot of paint to still be successful on the field. Speed shooting is still fun and addicting. The ground there was really fun too...a semi slick astro-turf I got some long slides on it...I could have just had fun sliding around out there without a gun.

I did get a nasty welt from being bunkered from maybe 2 feet away from a guy who probably had a velocity spike...it was bleeding...man that stung.

Gunna have to do that again sometime; good field, good company, good times.

Oh yes and the color commentary was so much fun; cynical, sarcastic, bitter people have the best conversations.


also wtf...my mind it is blown

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