In other news, I downloaded a few Shakespeare audiobooks (brilliant, but I wish I could find "The Taming Of The Shrew") and Ellen Degenere's audiobook, hoping it would be funny (it wasn't). I've been reading a lot of books about WWII and Holocaust lately. I've always been interested in WWII for some reason. I love history, but there is nothing more boring than American history (The Civil War - yawn). Could anyone recommend some good books for me to read? I'd really appreciate it if you guys did.
I'm thinking about making this journal friends only, but I don't know if it's such a good idea. I have nothing to hide and besides I want all the computer-challenged (no offense, you girls know I love you) girls from simplystreep to be able to read my entries.
And because I've never had one of those, a Meryl Streep picture spam. Don't like, don't look. My fellow Streep lovers will like it. :) Another one will follow soon.
I wonder how I can make the fact that I love Joanna Kramer more obvious. :)
Meryl with queen Elizabeth II.
Meryl with Susie Sarandon ♥.
Meryl and her mom. (for those of you who don't know)