Jan 20, 2007 20:25
fuck, i hate waiting.
Its probably worse than not having anything to do. [im waiting for my dad to get home to take me outt and he's taking a long time]
tomorrow = brookvale, can't complain.
Worked today, we had some helpers to bag the groceries.. so that was nice.
- bahahahahahha my dog is a sped -
So.. basically, i love kareokee, and want to have a kareokee party. Ugh, im in love.. i think im meant to be a preformer.. hah.. nvm. i take that back. im tone def. BUT, i WAS in choir.. and we DID do to ottowa... we were pretty awesome. But i was always stuck by phil who NEVER cut his freaking nails. and he's a boy...boys are supposed to cut them. ew. he turns me off. hah. JUSTTT joking. except not really. but im sure hes a nice guys. so back to the ottowa trip..no wait...bakc to kareokee! i just love it. thats all.