Aug 18, 2006 01:54
well, Here I am....College..In California. It is crazy. I feel so weird. It weird showering in a little cube with flip flops and then walking out in a robe and coming face to face with a boy. It weird that I don't many people and Don't know what to do with myself. It is weird that I am in bed pretty early...even thoguh I don't have to. but I guess it is jet lag. I have a white board/bulletin board on my door. Kdelsey is a great Room mate. Her dside is oerfect and organized because her mom made it like that. My parents left me off and ditched me... I am managing...but It made me sad. I am going to make new friends. I am going to havr fun here. I miss tim a lot.
I have really great friends and a really great boyfriend. They helped me so much with packing and just being amazing.
I cried so hard when I had to let you go...and all we could do was let go. an I had to get in my van..and driev off.
I hope you are having fun at tech.
Cat and v are serisously the best friends ever
I hope I adjust and accept my dad isn't the sultan of the world and I don' have Dior shoes and Chanel sunglasses and Gucci purses....but I am okay with that. I can do this. This is gunna be soon as rush is over and I can go to the row...with ppl.....because I can't now..becaus no one else is because they are rushing.....
I am so tired